Thursday, August 27, 2009

I recently decided to expand the scope of my business activities.

It was clear to me that our current economic crisis was demanding a complete "reset" on all levels in order for us to catch the next wave of economic prosperity.

Having worked through 4 generations of technology, I knew the next "new new" thing was emerging in the Web 2.0 technologies and they would be the primary playing field for next generation business opportunities.

So I began to research a number of opportunities ... and I reached out to like-minded individuals to obtain ideas and compare notes.

What I began to see was that the Direct Internet Marketing industry was becoming an early adopter of the new Web 2.0 technologies. I also observed that with its reach, the Internet Marketing industry was going to be a driver of new business models, new opportunities, and new wealth ... hence being one of the key drivers of the global "reset" and next wave of economic prosperity.

Plus, these opportunities combined the freedom and upside of entreprenurial businesses and a community of like-minded individuals.

There were several key evaluation factors that I used in making my decision to include Direct Internet Marketing as a key part of my business activities. These include:

  • a relevant, timely, and in-demand product offering;
  • the marketing and selling system with a state-of-the-art platform and enabling technologies;
  • the ongoing education and training;
  • the community; and
  • the compensation plan.

I hope you find the above information useful and I do intend to share more. Until the next time, I invite you to learn more about me and my various activities by checking out my links below.

Have a great day and more later,

Mike Farrell

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